Why does Bella like a vampire so much... and why are women so attracted to him? Whatever his secret is, it must be pretty amazing stuff, because there are some pretty serious problems with dating a vampire.
Here are the top three concerns I would have if Edward Cullen was dating girls..
1) He's a pedophile.
Edward was born in 1901. I looked it up, and Twilight was published in 2005. So Edward is 104 years old.
Does it bother anyone else that a 104 year old guy is dating a 17 year old girl?! I mean, I know he looks 17 forever...but still, come on. He's over 100!
I'm trying to imagine if my friend came home one day and said, "Hey , I'd like you to meet my boyfriend..." Actually, if he's 104 and she's 17, I'd have the world's easiest case of statutory rape. I know it's legal to have sex with 16 year olds in some states, but what if the guy is 104?! I think I could win a jury trial.
I've heard that girls like older guys, but this is ridiculous.
2) He's a murderer.
Edward has admitted to killing people back when he was first a vampire. Of course, they were "bad people"... so it's okay.
Umm...no. I watch Dexter, this show on Showtime about a serial killer who only kills other serial killers. It's a lot of fun, but I don't think two wrongs make a right. What if Dexter and Edward are wrong about the people they kill?
Okay, I know Edward can read minds... but still. I have a pretty filthy mind... if Edward read my mind, I'd be a goner for sure.
If my hypothetical friend were dating a vampire, the first thing I'd ask the vampire, "Have you ever killed someone to drink their blood?" If s/he said yes (my hypothetical friend might be dating a lesbian vampire), I would be out of there.
In any case, let's assume he did kill those evil humans and drink their blood. Why doesn't he turn himself in and go to prison? I mean, the guy is immortal... he could do a life sentence standing on his head.
3) He wants to eat her.
Edward is irresistibly attracted to Bella because of the "sweet smell" of her blood. He spends much of the book trying to resist his desire to nom nom nom on her. Call me old-fashioned, but I don't believe in eating my girlfriend.
Is nobody else bothered by this?!?
So... in conclusion, Edward Cullen will not be dating my hypothetical friend anytime soon.
Please, help me out. I don't understand why girls love Edward Cullen so much (let alone vampires in general). I think vampires are disgusting — especially pedophilic, murderous ones that want to eat people (oh sorry, the PC term is "drink their blood").
Help me understand: why would anyone want to date a vampire like Edward Cullen?!
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