
i love this song..

:When Everything Comes Back Together:.

When It seems like things never go right in this world anymore,
Have you ever stopped to wonder if you deserved it?
When you feel at your worst,
Have you ever stopped to think if thats what you get?

When things went right,
Have you ever stopped to appreciate them?
When you got the things you wanted,
Did you stop to thank anyone?

So many people go through life,
without even taking a moment to appreciate what they have.
So many people go through life,
without having anything and yet they still appreciate what little they have.

Why is it so hard to take even the smallest moment out of our days,
and just say thank you?
Is it really that hard,
or are people so greedy that what they have is never enough?

When everything comes back together,
after everything was at its worse,
did you ever stop to give thanks for that,
I know I did.

How is it so easy that we can take,
Yet its so hard for us to give?
If it was so easy for him to give,
Why is it so hard for us.

Sometimes I wonder how we could change,
maybe if we saw from the point of view,
that some people have,
we might change the way we live.

Maybe it will be easier to give,
because you realized how some people live,
but its sad that sometimes,
this is the only way people care.

When everything comes back together,
maybe the world will realize whats going on,
maybe the world will be kinder,
maybe the world will change its ways.


Most annoying people on airplanes...

Sometimes I think to myself that I would rather dispense a kidney stone through my urethra than deal with some of the people who board airplanes on a daily basis in the United Kingdom.
Flying is undeniably the most convenient, yet most unpleasant forms of travel. No one gets off the hook with this list - and if you did, consider yourself lucky.

1.Southwest Line Nazi

It’s usually that middle-aged woman with the Christmas sweater vest and shoulder pads who thinks it’s her responsibility to micromanage every last person who stands in line for a Southwest flight.

Before the recent line changes, she would question your place in line with a stare - now with the new Letter/Number system, she has cold-hard evidence that you are not where you are assigned in line. “Excuse me, your ticket says A30, not A29 … please move back 6 inches ….

2.The Unprepared Baggage Digger

Step 1: Decide what you want with you for the duration of flight
Step 2: Remove said items from bag, place in hand or pocket
Step 3: Board flight with items in hand so you can easily place bag in overhead compartment.

It’s that simple, people. Remember that there is a line of people directly behind you while boarding an airplane. Be prepared before you get to your seat. Simplicity.

3.The “Make Yourself At Home” -ier

Your feet smell like roses. Has anyone ever told you that? Your shit doesn’t stink either. Do you know where those airplane pillows have been? Do you think they wash those? Imagine washing your face with 100s of other people’s oily faces and oral secretions. Like 10% of people floss - now imagine those people drooling on your face. That’s basically what you’re doing when you use the airplane pillows.

4.Laptop Movie Watcher With No Headphones

Either A) This person forgot their headphones, or B) They have a complete disregard for the respect of others around them.

Whichever reason it may be, there is absolutely no excuse to play re-runs of Busom Buddies at maximum volume through your computer speakers.

5.End of Flight Runner

Getting off the plane 90 seconds before everyone else is at the top of your priorities. Wait like everyone else? Wait your turn to get off the plane? Nooooo. You grab your Sharper Image briefcase as soon as the “fasten your seatbelt sign” is dis-illuminated and you proceed to haul ass like a bat out of hell to the front of the plane. Don’t worry, the rest of us aren’t eager to get off the plane. This type of flier is a rare breed - but the next time I come across this guy I will not think twice about sticking my leg out and accidentally tripping him.

6.Small Bladder Window-Sitter

Y ou’re in your 30s, yet sitting in the window seat still makes you act like a nine-year-old. Google Earth - Download it. You can sit in the window seat from the comfort of your own home - you can even zoom in! There should also be a maximum number of bathroom visits for the occupant of a window seat: one. You get one free pass.

7.Sick People

We should all have the self-awareness to know when to spend the day in bed. Coughing, sneezing, wheezing, high temperature - these should all be signs to leave your sick ass at home.

Your nose is flowing like the Niagara while I’m using my napkin as a makeshift Oxygen mask.

8.Full Meal Eater

You’re about to get on an airplane with 100 other people in an 800-square-foot fuselage with questionable central air and you decide it’s a great idea to enjoy a goddamn 3-course meal at 30,000 feet. Eating it in the food court just doesn’t suit you. The awful stench from your Taco Bell bean burrito permeates the cabin for the entire duration of the 2 hour flight. Never mind the guy sitting 3 inches from you - it’s your world.

9. Babies

You’re so damn needy. Grow up. You always need supervision and if things don’t go your way, you totally go ape shit. I, for one, am sick of babies getting babied.

Man up, sit down, shut up, eat your processed cauliflower in a can and let me enjoy my iPod touch and the latest Harry Potter novel.

10.The Human Sewage Plant

Kill me now. What is the deal with body odor? You’ve purchased an airline ticket, surely you can afford the following: deodorant, floss, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, breath mints, gum.

There is no shame in taking at least one shower a day and brushing your teeth after every meal. Simple hygiene should be forced upon some people to board an airplane.

Have you ever come across any of these people on your flights? What about yourself, are you guilty of being one of these annoying people?

i am lonely..

I'm not overly willing to admit to this for a couple of reasons. First, because to admit that I am lonely requires admitting to myself that whatever there was between myself and the guy I've been involved with of late is pretty much gone, and that I can no longer relate to many of my friends. Second, because it is a display of my own weakness. Third, because my self esteem is absolutely in the toilet right now, because I always thought that if I wanted to, I could change my situation and not feel this way, however, this assumption is rapidly and repeatedly being proven false, because it is very much more difficult than that.

I'm a very talkative person. Sometimes I think I drive people crazy because if you don't end the conversation, I generally won't either unless I have some very pressing important matter to attend to. I can talk for hours. And I have a lot of good stories. And it's not that I've necessarily found a lack of people to talk to. I have people to talk to, but they don't have as much in common with me as they used to, and that makes me feel lonely.

I am also a very physical person. I enjoy a good hug, a good cuddle, a good kiss. Despite that, I have never been afforded such pleasures on any sort of regular basis, up until a very recent period of time. And I had learned to deal with that. I was settled into my lifestyle, and I was fine with it. It wasn't ideal, but it was fine, it was tolerable.

Then somebody showed up and essentially showed me everything I've been missing. Going back to the complacent satisfied lifestyle I had before is no longer an option. Because I am lonely. And it's a different kind of loneliness than I had ever experienced, and I'm not really sure what you're supposed to do about it.

I think the biggest problem is, I've been changing and growing a lot recently. I am a completely different person from the person I was a year ago. But this new person who has come out of her shell and done all these things that she used to be so scared of has no place in the life I was living a year ago. Working through my issues, and becoming braver and stronger has been great for me, but yet, somehow braver, stronger me has more trouble dealing with being alone. So braver, stronger me has been trying to find people to spend her time with - intellectually, physically, whatever - and continues to get shut down. And this makes her trudge home with her tail between her legs, wallowing in her loneliness.

Have you ever felt particularly lonely after going through a lot of changes in your life? Have you ever felt like you were developing a different personality? Do you think that feeling lonely is a weakness? What do you do to stop yourself from feeling lonely.